Production Year 1961 - 1963 at $650.00 without power supply The Hallicrafters SR-150 is a CW/SSB 80 through 10 meter transceiver. It has 150 Watts PEP for SSB and 125 watts for CW input power. It has 19 tubes and is a dual conversion receiver. Both the transmitter and receiver are VFO controlled. Other features include a RIT(receiver incremental tuning) which allows for the receiver to be tuned 2kHz on either side of the transmitting frequency, VOX, CW break in, 100kHz crystal calibrator, product detector and a crystal lattice filter. The S meters doubles as an RF output meter as well. The transceiver requires an external power supply which was sold separately. To power the SR-150, the owner had a choice of either a 120 volt AC power supply($99.95) or a 12 volt DC power supply used for mobile operation($109.50). The mobile mount($39.95) would need to be purchased for the transceiver to use it while mobile. The transmitter uses a pair of 12DQ6B/12GW6 tubes as the RF power amplifier and a 12BY7 Driver tube. The SR-150 is well known for its quiet receiver. |