QSL = 100% by direct, bureau, eQSL, LOTW, HRDlog, QRZ, Club Log, QRZCQ, and HamQTH.  

If you enjoy paper QSLing as I do, then by all means please send a QSL card and you will get one in return. All QSL's are answered in the same manner that I receive them, mail, or electronic.

I upload the logbook to eQSL, LOTW, HRDlog, HamQTH(free look up's), QRZ, QRZCQ, and Club Log weekly.

If for some reason you have sent a QSL card but have never got a reply, shoot me an  and I will get another one right out to you.


The ARRL has gone WOKE! They speak of pronouns, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity(DIE). Yet they segregate hams by calling us OM verses YL and XYL. Maybe the ARRL can kindly explain the gender of a male PL259 vs the female PL259 if the male PL259 believes it is a female PL259. How about I identify as a life member of the ARRL. Will the ARRL be so diverse and inclusive with my delusion to grant me all such rights and privileges that come with life membership? NO they will not. So now I see the ARRL as WAS/WERE. My membership in this WOKE organization expires in Nov. 2022. I will not renew and as such I will no longer be able to respond to any QSL’s sent via the ARRL bureau after that date. I will also not participate in any ARRL events, contests, field day, scholarship programs, etc. It would be nice if the ARRL would just stick to radio and not promote mentally ill beliefs that change from day to day. Feelings do not apply the same to everyone but facts do. Hence there are but two genders.

Woke = A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.



Last 2 weeks of QSL cards received by postal mail.      

QSL cards received for the week of July 14 =  W1MJC,

QSL cards received for the week of July 21 =  


Information below is only for the AI4FR call sign issued on August 12, 2003 and does not include the logbook statistics for my old call sign, KE4ECY issued in 1993.


Total QSL in the collection = 9897

Total QSL sent by mail = 15,337

Total QSL records confirmed at eQSL = 116068

Total QSL records confirmed at LOTW = 163095

Total QSO's in the AI4FR logbook = 223817


Log Book Graph  =  Updated weekly at eQSL.

Bureau Statistic   =  ARRL Sent and Received QSL's.


I get my QSL cards from KB3IFH. (Not an affiliate link) He simply does an amazing job with fast service.


Updated = 7-21-2023    


I sure wish there was an all in one logging software that does all or most of the ham radio modes.  

      AI4FR                                                                                                                                                                                                  AI4FR                                                                                                       AI4FR

Trump WON!! Biden CHEATED!!

Avoid the experimental gene therapy C19 DEATH shot!!  

Think Critically!!

Ukraine = Corruption

Was Hitler right?

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