The Webster Bandspanner 440 is a 10 channel, crystal controlled, 11 meter AM transceiver that has seen use in both, base station and mobile installations. The I.F. is 1650kc and 259kc and the receiver is dual conversion. It is rated at 5 watts input for the transmitter. The tubes are as follows, RF Amplifier = 12BA6, Mixer & Oscillator = 6GH8, 2nd Converter = 12BE6, I.F. Amplifier = 12BA6, Detector. & ANL = 12AL5, A.F. Amplifier & Speech Amplifier = 12AX7, Output & Modulator = 12AB5, Transmit Oscillator. & Buffer = 6GH8, Final R.F. Amplifier = 12AB5, Rectifier = 12X4. This transceiver requires 115 volts AC for a power source. |